一、招生类别及专业(Categories & Programs)
类别Categories | 专业Programs |
硕士研究生 Master Degree | 详见附件1 Please refer to Appendix 1 |
Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health;
The requirements for applicants’ degree and age are that applicants must:
l 攻读硕士学位者,须具有学士学位,年龄不超过35岁;
be a bachelor’s degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for the master’s programs;
The requirements for applicants’ language ability:
l 攻读中文授课专业者,原则上须具备HSK证书(4级及以上,4级证书持有者需进行一年汉补,5级及以上持有者可直接入专业学习),证书有效期为两年。
HSK(at least level 4, HSK level 4 holder needs one-year Chinese language study, HSK level 5 holder can enter the major study directly)within the two-year validity is necessary for applicants for Chinese-taught program.
l 攻读英文授课专业者,有相关证书者优先,官方语言为英语的申请者或者前一阶段学历授课语言为英文的申请者免于提供语言水平考试证明。
For English-taught program, applicants with English certificate are preferred and applicants whose official language is English or whose latest study is English program are exempt from certificate.
三、申请时间及学习开始时间 (Application Time & Commencing Time)
申请时间Application Time | 学习开始时间Commencing Time |
2024年5月1日——6月15日 May 1, 2024—— Jun 15,2024 | 2024年9月 September of 2024 |
四、申请资料(Application Materials)
1.护照照片页复印件;Copy of a passport;
Notarized highest diploma;
Prospective diploma recipient must submit official document issued by your current school to prove your current student status or and expected graduation date.
Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
Academic transcripts (written in Chinese or English);
Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
For applicants currently studying in China, please provide the academic performance certificate/attendance certificate of your current school and the transcript of your current school.
A Study Plan or Research Proposal (written in Chinese or English);
This should be a minimum of 200 words for the undergraduate program applicants and 800 words for postgraduate program applicants;
Two Recommendation Letters (written in Chinese or English);
Applicants for undergraduate program and postgraduate program must submit two recommendation letters signed by professors or associate professors;
The copy of valid HSK Certificate (necessary for applicants for Chinese-taught program);
6. 无犯罪记录证明。Non-criminal Record Certificate.
Materials with * only need to be provided by the applicants for master & doctoral degree)

Degree Program
Registration | RMB415 |
Tuition Fee | Please refer to Appendix 1 |
Accommodation | Single room | RMB 10000 per semester |
Double room | RMB 5000 per semester |
Insurance | RMB 400/Half Year, RMB 800/ One Year |
Books | According to the book price |
六、申请流程(Application Procedures)
1. Applicants login on the international student online service system of Shandong Normal University https://sdnu.17gz.org/member/login.do to register and submit the application information, (see Appendix 2 for the system operation process and requirements for materials);
2. International Students Office examines applicants' materials and those who pass the examination need to pay the registration fee and participate the interview held by related school(college);
3. Students who pass the interview shall pay study fees to the financial account of Shandong Normal University (see Appendix 3 for details of the account information), and submit the voucher to the Office;
4. Office shall send admission notice to students.
Address: International Students Office of Shandong Normal University, 88 Wenhua Road, Jinan, P.R. China